How to Craft Your RFP for Language Service Providers

When issuing a Request For Proposal (RFP) for a language service provider (LSP), some buyers are shopping around for the best price, some are searching for a specific service, and most are missing the bigger picture.

Think of your RFP as an opportunity for matchmaking . It’s not just about finding the perfect deal, it’s about finding the perfect partner. That means a vendor who ticks all the boxes rather than just meeting a price point. 

There are many components to running a successful RFP, but a good first step is clarifying exactly what you’re looking for and your ‘must-haves’ in a translation partner. NATIONS has participated in many RFPs over its 30+ year history, successfully bidding on high-profile projects and forging long-lasting industry partnerships. We’ve learned a lot along the way and have some tips to help your procurement team navigate the process.

5 Things to Think About When Selecting Your LSP

1.Reputation and Trust 

Every relationship is founded on trust, and business partnerships are no different. Look for vendors with an established pedigree, solid references, and a team with the expertise to back up their claims.

At NATIONS, our reputation for excellence speaks for itself. After more than thirty years in the industry, we’ve built a portfolio of satisfied clients that range from major federal agencies to high-profile financial institutions, and from international automotive firms to leading retail groups. We’ve also achieved every benchmark in terms of industry standards and proven time and again that we have the know-how, the experience, and the talent to deliver exactly what we promise.

2. Service and Quality

A valuable partner is one who looks at your company’s project holistically, bringing a full range of language services to the table in order to meet your goals. 

At NATIONS, we design our service around our clients, looking at their content strategy, marketing strategy, and brand strategy to deliver a customized package of multilingual content and/or localization services that speak directly to their audience. Taking this thoughtful approach means we don’t just deliver compelling and effective content, we also save our clients time and money because there’s no need for revisions or tweaks post-delivery. 

3. Innovative and Solution-Oriented Thinking

Complex systems are out, and simplified workflows are in. One of NATIONS’ unique selling propositions is our willingness to move with the times and help our clients maximize their resources with streamlined services that are more cost-effective than legacy systems.

We do this by focusing on four key areas:

  • Simplification

  • Automation

  • Process Improvement

  • Process Transformation

Large organizations often fall into the trap of thinking they can do more with more. We take the opposite view, with an emphasis on efficiency. Our team uses the latest project management tools to make every task as quick and cost-effective as possible, without sacrificing quality for speed.

Business moves quickly, and you need a partner that can keep up. Look for a vendor who is up to date with developments in your industry so you don’t have to waste time educating them on how your sector operates. And, of course, they should be at the forefront of their own sector - leveraging the latest language technologies to provide superior service and staying compliant with all relevant regulations and best practices.

Organizations that remain nimble in the face of change retain their competitive edge. You need an LSP that understands that and can help you navigate those changes. When our financial clients began to embrace the potential of FinTech almost a decade ago, we were there to support them with innovative translation solutions that embraced the emerging new language of digital finance

We’ve applied that forward-looking approach across all the sectors we service, keeping ourselves and our clients at the cutting-edge of our industries. 

4. Values and Strategy

The ideal RFP isn’t a one-and-done project, it’s a stepping stone to a long-lasting business relationship. As you’re considering your RFP bids, think about the kind of vendor you want to build that connection with - ideally it should be someone who shares your organization’s culture and values.

As Canada’s only 100% Indigenous-owned translation group, NATIONS has helped many clients fulfill their Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) goals and deliver on their corporate responsibilities. We take our commitment to our community seriously, supporting and empowering Indigenous youth through events, sponsorship, and philanthropy. This focus on diversity and inclusion, alongside our environmental commitments, makes us an attractive partner to clients who share those values.

5. Pricing and Overall Cost-Efficiency

In recessionary times, the first thing on any procurer’s wish list is a good price. This is understandable, but it’s important to put it in context. Language service providers offer a nuanced set of skills that don’t readily fit into a formula. Cost per word is a superficial metric that tells you nothing about the craft behind those words - are they adequately localized to your audience? Are they faithfully delivering your message? Do they support your brand? These are all considerations that aren’t reflected in the rate and if you see a bid that’s too good to be true, it usually is. 

Unless a company conducts an in-depth assessment of its actual and future translation needs, processes, overhead, and other key elements by an industry expert, they won’t have enough data to realize cost-savings. And the better your data, the more successful your RFP process will be. 

RFPs are a costly and time-consuming process. Get them right the first time by picking a partner who is focused on offering true value rather than simply undercutting their competitors. Invest in the best to realize all the benefits of a well-organized and well-prepared RFP. 


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